中国称欢迎美国加入亚投行 美网民:我们要完
2015-03-21 11:22:39


中国称欢迎美国加入亚投行 美网民:我们要完

Chinese deputy finance minister Shi Yaobinhas told the German press his country would welcome a US role in aBeijing-backed multinational lender, hours after state media describedWashington as "petulant and cynical".


  "We would welcome the United Statesinto the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)," Shi toldHandelsblatt daily in an interview set for publication Thursday.



  ★For the first time in 400 years the Jewsdon\'t own or control a major global financial institution. The IMF and WorldBank are BOTH privately owned Jewish owned banks, just as the Federal Reserveis a privately owned Jewish bank, what???? You thought it was just a"coincidence" that only Jews are "elected" to be head ofthe Federal Reserve???

  The Chinese bank gives an avenue of financial aid that bypass US/Zionistimposed sanctions. The IMF and World Bank have been weaponised to be usedagainst countries that don\'t kowtow to the Zionist agenda. The Chinese BRICsbank bypasses US sanctions.



  ★How come China feels more confident andsecure than the US.


  ★The Chinese is very smart. They know USwill never join a bank led by them so they just say US is welcome to play arole. Can you imagine the US submitting an application form to apply to becomea member??? I can\'t.

  The Chinese has all the bases covered. If US does join, where is it going toget the money to sign up??? Of course, the US will go further into debt byborrowing from China to fund its membership.

  And where do the lendings go? … into development projects in Asia. GuessChina is the main beneficiary of these projects since China is the biggesttrading partner of most asian countries.

  … lol



  ★Why would China welcome the US into theAIIB?? The yanks have been nothing but spolit brats who wants to maintain themonopoly they have over other countries.

  I suppose China is being careful with an immature nation that can be dangerouswhen backed up in the corner.

  为什么中国欢迎美国加入亚投行??美国佬什么都不是,是被宠坏的小子,只想维持其世界霸主地位。 我猜中国在提防这个不成熟的国家,这种不成熟的国家是很危险的。

  ★It is obvious we need to join as all othercountries are doing. We have already isolated ourselves enough.


  ★A great nation always shows why it is great-- inclusive, tolerant, open, welcoming, and respectful. What a stark contrastto what we (USA) practice today!


  ★China\'s speech is like a winner\'s with apride in her mind and US attitude is like a loser with sour grape in her mind.Both are not proper. China needs be more humble to deal with a loser and USneeds be more confident to deal with a winner.


  ★The US should join. And join at the top.Just join and put in the most money and take the lead role. What\'s the problem?


  ★US twisted Japan (aa, it hurt), S Koreaand Australia\'s arms not to join AIIB.

  But, UK still joined and WH condemned it last week.

  Over the weekend, Germany, France and Italy signed up also while Switzerland,Luxemberg, etc are reportedly negotiating on it.

  What else can America do when most advanced nations decided not to stick toAmerica\'s Coldwar?

  美国不让其他国家加入,可是上周有好多欧洲国家加入,而且据报道,瑞士,卢森堡等国家就这个问题正在磋商中。 当大多数发达国家不再追随美国的冷战时,美国又有啥法子?

  ★Barometer of Success: China says "wehave signed new deals to build Nicaraguan canal, build the largest dam in theworld, have uplifted an entire continent out of poverty (Africa)", Westernbarometer of success "we have destroyed Iraq, Libya, Egypt, in the processof destroying Syria, we have created ISIS and Boko Haram, the worst terroristgroups the world has ever seen" Who would the world follow in 20 yearstime? Who would the world respect more in another 20 years? who would be hatedin another 20 years?

  中国的成功标准是:我们签订了新的协议建造尼加拉瓜运河,建造世界上最大的水坝,将整个非洲大陆从贫困中解脱出来。 西方的成功标准是:我们摧毁了伊拉克,利比亚,埃及,并且正在摧毁叙利亚,我们创造了ISIS和博科圣地--世界上最糟糕的恐怖分子。 未来20年,世界将追随哪一方的脚步?再过20年,世界将更尊重谁以及更讨厌谁?