2015-05-22 15:19:01

This is Chinese navy, you go! China issuesEIGHT warnings to U.S. surveillance planes to get away from disputed man-madeislands


Tony Decicco, auburn, United States, 11hours ago
They have no claim to or rights to thatopen sea.
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griffter59, Haywards Heath, 3 hours ago
Common sensicle – many Hawaiians areactually hoping to gain independence from America.
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ID-37, Atlantis, Antarctica, 3 hours ago
This may have been an American plane thishas nothing to do with the US. This is about China trying to grab resourcesfrom neighboring countries.
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savannahb, Savannah GA USA, United States,9 hours ago
Hello Chinese Navy…We’ll have theSzechuan Chicken, extra spicy, no MSG. Two egg rolls, because….what the hell,its Friday
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Matt, Houston, 4 hours ago
Mack^ We have 1,900. We win. Next.
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griffter59, Haywards Heath, 3 hours ago
Matt – it doesnt matter how many icbmsChina has, as long as they have enough. And they do. Get used to being number 2 in the world.
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stevematthews, Rutland, United States, 11hours ago
China, Russia, Iran, ISIS, North Korea. Theaxis of evil is alive and well.
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Checkproof, Sin City East, Macao, 4 hoursago
The US can Invade Iraq on false charges ofWMD, and grabbing the oil… The US is THE axis of evil.
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HJ, Las Vegas, 10 hours ago
Vietnam and the Philippines would be verywise to make some space available for US warships in the very near future.
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Raptor75, Chicago, United States, 6 hoursago
Very true and Japan will now start to rearmbecause of China’s aggressive actions. Might be time to park a carrier battlegroup in the China sea and let them think that over.
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McFLY007, HOLLYWOOD, United States, 11hours ago
China seems hell bent on being the newImperial Japan. It appears to be looking for a military confrontation… withanyone, just so it can achieve nationalist goals.
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lalacoo, Columbus O-H-I-O, United States, 9hours ago
So can any country just build an island ininternational space and then claim sovereignty over it? Sounds like a dangerousprecedent.
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JustAGuy, Omaha, United States, 9 hours ago
Local nations don’t have the ability tostand up to China. Barack Obama is not interested in standing up to China.Expect China to continue building.
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griffter59, Haywards Heath, 2 hours ago
Or China could do as the US/UK did, and justkick the natives off an entire island and move the population thousands ofmiles away, a la Diego Garcia. Then build an army base.
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Bobo the clown, N.Ireland, United Kingdom,4 hours ago
The big economy’s like the US and the EUneed to start up manufacturing again to stop China continuing their rise andhopefully pull the rug from under them the sneaky rats need brought back downto earth.
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erwin montgomery, melbourne, Australia, 3hours ago
Never happen unless they pay theiremployees less than they are paid in Asia.
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ladbol652, Bronx, United States, 9 hoursago
Can America really stand against hergreatest creditor? …..Just an honest thought.
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NO Name, California, United States, 8 hoursago
Robert is 100% correct. Americans actuallydo hold the largest amount of the debt. And if we stop giving China jobs (theirpeople are still in a poverty state, yet they build their military and cities(Beijing, Shanghai, etc.)) then they wouldn’t be able to do this. ThanksClinton!
