2015-06-17 11:46:11

In a move that has alarmed the United States, China has confirmed that it has successfully tested its hypersonic nuclear-capable missile Wu-14. It was the missile’s fourth successful testing in less than 18 months. But the latest one was far more complicated than the previous three. That’s probably the reason the United States described it as an “extreme maneuver.”



Bubba Banjo ? 3 minutes ago
Well it just means an accidental Armageddan is 1000% more possible now. No time to verify. Just launch. So sorry China.


Michael Agee ? 14 minutes ago
I want to know what happened to WU-1 thru WU-13?


Michael Agee ? 19 minutes ago
Hey China… US ICBMs travel at nearly 15,000 mph… about 2x as fast as this POS. Plus… we have a multi warhead delivery system that allows the use of one launch vehicle to deliver 10 warheads… Hear that China… that’s the USA… yawning…


barry allen ? 35 minutes ago
Also…the picture is a drawing…we dont have a camera that can take a picture like that at 8000mph…


barry allen ? 37 minutes ago
How stupid are we…We now have the capability to shut off a cars engine from anywhere in the world…You don’t think we have the same capability to shut off there computers (emp)
and make the missiles crash on the launch pads like we do to north korea and russia every once and a while just to show them what we have…….


ktyung barry allen ? 22 minutes ago
Only if US has the will to use it. Obama says to store more heavy weapons in Europe to “deter” Putin, really? He can’t even stop the ISIS chopping US journalist’s heads? Do you really think that Xi and Putin are “afraid” of US when the Western powers lack the will to fight ISIS, and US is ready to fight half a globe away in Ukraine and South China Sea?


David Kuo ? 38 minutes ago
Because US failed so no one believes China’s success.


SeAsia Moto David Kuo ? 33 minutes ago
how do you know it failed … because you’ve read a “report” in the news?


luke ? 42 minutes ago
As soon as their missile is fired toward US the world’s map no longer shows China

NoCanDo ? an hour ago
All this is is to try and prevent us from stopping their little Island building operation……


China Lee ? an hour ago
China has a problem to produce an Airplane engine how much more a supersonic one. The authour doesn’t know what he wrote.


ktyung China Lee ? 19 minutes ago
China landed 3 and 3 1/2 Generation fighters on their first carrier last year, they are building large commercial airliners next year. China’s 10 Mach missile was in the news early this year, are your head in the sand?


Michael Agee ktyung ? 9 minutes ago
You can be the first to ride on the “peoples” airliner… hahahaaa


NoCanDo ? an hour ago
It’d be nice if WE could confirm all this tech they claim to have. Im just not buying it …they cant build a car that doesn’t explode into a million pieces when collision tested at HALF the speed that most other cars….i had to have them take back and re-ship a computer 3 times and finally they just told me i was on my own….EVERYTHING they build is junk!


Nathan Pham NoCanDo ? 38 minutes ago
Do you think that E.Ts are only working with the U.S government?


wric01 ? an hour ago
China is just catching up to us and russian military arms, in that respect there are 3 world powers now and it would be wise to kiss up to one another to prevent tag teaming. Welcome to the age of three kingdoms.


I KEEL U ? an hour ago
psywar tactic of china in fact they dont have that kind tech. they announce it just to make US think first before taking any action hahha


alogeno I KEEL U ? 38 minutes ago
they stole it from us…. they hack our computers and stole all this information and fifth generation fighter plans…
we are in a ciberwar with China.. they saved billions in research thanks to our poor ciber security…..

Johansen ? an hour ago
I like Chinese food, had wonton soup and egg rolls for supper.


john ? an hour ago
Trade with U.S do not make the Chinese rich. They earned it. While America keep printing and borrowing money from China and Japan to spend on their military projects, or financing wars around the world- Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Vietnam, Korea, Gulf wars….Just to name a few.


KingAndTeam ? an hour ago
Yawn thats old technology.. I thought this would be a interesting article.. sigh.


Roman KingAndTeam ? an hour ago
What’s newer and better?


Michael Agee Roman ? 16 minutes ago
almost anything… a US Minuteman missile travels at about 15,000 mph… and it’s from the 1970’s


Keith Adtkins ? an hour ago
The U.S. is light years ahead of this. People have no idea of the weapon capabilities of this country and yes the U.S. have technology that combat China jet easily.
