2015-04-30 21:56:47


China fires back at South China Sea claimants with reclamationaccusations


BEIJING (Reuters) - After facingweeks of criticism about its reclamation work on disputed islands in the SouthChina Sea, China on Wednesday turned the tables on Vietnam, the Philippines andothers by accusing them of carrying out their own illegal building work.


Chinaclaims 90 percent of the South China Sea, which is believed to be rich in oiland gas, with overlapping claims from Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines,Vietnam and Taiwan.

Hongsaid Vietnam was building docks, runways, missile positions, office buildings,barracks, hotels, lighthouses and helicopter pads on more than 20 islands andshoals, including Prince Consort Bank and Orleana Shoal.


"China is resolutely opposedto these illegal activities and demands the relevant countries immediately stoptheir infringements on China's sovereignty and rights," Hong added.


U.S. President Barack Obama onWednesday accused China of "flexing its muscles" to advance itsmaritime claims against Asian neighbors.


Hong urged the United States tokeep its promises not to take sides in territorial disputes or "send thewrong signals".


Disputesover how to tackle an increasingly assertive stance by China - an ally ofseveral ASEAN states - in the strategic South China Sea make the issueSoutheast Asia's biggest potential military flashpoint.


Calvin 1 hour ago
I think the US shouldstart to lay claim to all of Europe, Africa, Central Asia, Middle East and AsiaPacific for winning the war against the Germans and Japanese in WWII.....afterall if the US did not come in to prop up the allies then & did losethousands of US soldiers lives in the war, today there will be no S.E.Seadispute at all - the Swastika & Rising Sun flags will be flying in mostparts of the world. Hows that for a dispute claim discussion (much of the worldhas forgotten the hand that gave them their countries sovereignty back in theirown hands). And I am not a US citizen, but an Asian national but one who isappreciative what was done good by others and recognize facts.


Edd 1 hour ago
MYMAN 20 minutes ago
Many of you shift out ofsubject. We are talking about what to do about China's agressive behavior andonly one thing comes to mind. Move all manufacturing that US needs to anothercountry. Stop feeding this communist country with our money. Many othercountries would do just as good a job as the Chinese do in manufacturing.


Stratos 4 hours ago
Are they improvingislands, or building an island on a coral reef?
Not the same.


tdj 2 hours ago
Its all talk, talk andmore talk and by then it will be too late a new island has been created andnobody dare challenge China for claiming almost 90% of the south China sea eventhose within 200 miles economic zones of all those Asian countries. Lets stopthis bulls*#t and let China have what they want to put an end to this messanyway nobody wants to challenge China, then just shut up and leave China aloneand I know its wrong what they are doing, but whats the point? Nobody is doingnothing to counter China.....


Cp 2 hours ago
The four seas of China,the Bohai Sea, the Huanghai Sea, the East China Sea, and the South China Sea,occupy a total area of about 4.7 million km2, half of the area of Chinamainland. These seas are located in the southeastern margin of the Eurasiancontinent and subject to the interactions between the Eurasian, Pacific, andIndian-Australian plates. The seas have complicated geology and rich naturalresources.[2]


Cory 4 hours ago
Well keep are promiseslike the China Communist Party keeps its. Interesting times coming soon!
