2015-06-01 21:23:05


China has been a noticeable absentee from the ISS project to date, namelybecause American legislation prevents Nasa co-operating with them.

Accordingto the policy drawn up by the US Congress in 2011, Nasa is not allowed to work‘in any way with China'.

‘Lastyear a request was received by the International Association of Space ActivitiesParticipants (IASP) from the Chinese to authorise a visit for the Chinese tothe ISS,' he said.

TheRussian side has agreed to it, and now it is being discussed by the Americans.


‘Wehave to observe parity, so if the Americans and the European Union agree, wewill give the green light for the Chinese spaceships to dock at the station aswell.'


NewsFeast,London, United Kingdom, 2 days ago
youwould think that the "International" Space station would allowChinese? (otherwise it wouldn't be international?)
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SnowCha1ns,nikolaev, Ukraine, 2 days ago
mostof whats up in the station now has made in china stamped on the bottom of it.
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sebby491,Oxford, United Kingdom, 2 days ago
Exactly,also 1.4 billion people is much more representative than the entire US, Russianand European populations combined
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Mr-UKIP,Sunderland, United Kingdom, 2 days ago
britaincant afford to join the space race. this tory govt have their priorities allwrong. you all had the chance to vote ukip and snubbed it. shame on youall!!!!!
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Amrik,Birmingham, 2 days ago
I'mvery glad ukips ass got kicked ;-)
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Bobthe Welder, London, United Kingdom, 2 days ago
it isworth pointing out that every other ISS member, even Japan, are open to Chinajoining. Except the US. It's been that way since the start.
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AM,Hants, 2 days ago
Russiatransports the American astronauts up to the space station and gives them alift back home. Aren't Russia going it alone, when the contract ends and aren'tRussia and China teaming up with their Space programmes, New Silk Road, newfinancial system that bypasses Swift and of course all their BRICS concerns?
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initalyperora,Florence, Italy, 2 days ago
Oncurrent performance on terra firma, their first payload will be a large bag ofsand which they will then sit on and declare the ISS Chinese territory.
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GrandpaBroon, Auchenshoogle, United Kingdom, 2 days ago
Itwould be a major step forward if they did. Ditch the paranoia, start workingtogether and much more can be achieved.
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jhvance,Circleville_TX, United States, 2 days ago
Inspace there are no boundaries, nor should national conflicts extend intospace-based scientific endeavors.
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SonnyEdwards, romford, United Kingdom, 2 days ago
Americais scared of losing its place as the best in the world. Also it is called theinternational space station for a reason.
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Jaunt360,Long Beach, United States, 2 days ago
Whendid the UK join the ISS?
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pepe999,Manchester, United Kingdom, 2 days ago
It'svery sad how people forget that Chinese are hardcore communists. The same asthe US forget that Saudi Arabia and Qatar support ISIS but pretend they areagainst it.
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Candidly,Sydney, 2 days ago
Usuallyonly about 4% are party members the rest are victims.
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Puddleduck,This side of the pond, 2 days ago
Why Not.....If it is an International Space Station - Then Surely it should be Open to newmembers ?
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Syzygy,boonies, Canada, 2 days ago
Ithink they would be a welcome addition. Time will tell.
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MabGom, Buenos Aires, Brazil, 1 day ago
Nopoint going to the "international" space station when it's going tobe space junk in a few years and Russia's going to abandon ship. Let the U.S.have its massive upkeep and call it A. S. S.
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George556,London, United Kingdom, 2 days ago
Whyshould they be allowed. The ISS is made mostly of american parts.
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Usurp,Ruins, ?land Islands, 2 days ago
Chinaneeds to review their priorities, you have villagers in need of help and youare wasting funds on stupid things like these??
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sebby491,Oxford, United Kingdom, 1 day ago
Thinkthey can afford it
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