2015-03-18 19:57:23


EinarBB just now

People shouldn’t over-interpret theEuropean move. They will in a heartbeat, choose USA over China, if it comes toan – actual cold war.
The major European nations are clearlycalculating that an one, isn’t actually happening – at least not in the nearfuture.
That implies, to name an example, theyprobably do reckon that the Russian/Chinese alliance -some are hoping willchallenge the USA and the West- isn’t happening as they most probably see it.As that’s an idea for a near imminent new cold war.
It’s noteworthy that while China hasn’tsupported the West in it’s disputes with Russia, neither has China voiced anyloud opposition to the way the West has been sanctioning Russia, or playingmatters in E-Ukraine.
That implies China is sitting on thesidelines, that the recent trade agreements with Russia, merely imply the willingnessof China to reap gains from that situation, the estrangement developing betweenthe West and Russia, while actually not intending to formally ally with Russia- the way some Russians and Russian supporters dream about.
In short the Europeans reckon China prefersgains through trade and are perfectly prepared to play along with that game,hoping to reap gains of their own.


nwoisbabanwokiki2012cobalt miner 37 minutesago

It’s time for the U.S to withdraw and givethe leadership to others.
Let Americans enjoy the European lifetylesfor once. Let’s do some homeimprovements and enjoy our home.
Let the Europeans police the world.


wtexram 1 hour ago

Given the current American President’strack record to date w/his weak Secretary of States and the splintering of theconservatives, I can’t say I blame the U.K. Had there been a strong conservative leader in Washington D.C. thiswould never have happened. The USA willtake decades to recover if ever from the malaise we find ourselves in.


Harold Godwinson 32 minutes ago

@wtexram Ridiculous – a conservative leader would surely have been even morelikely to try to exclude China. And they would have failed equallyspectacularly, just without any fall-back position..


AllergicToBS 1 hour ago

Just because the US fears competition andwishes to “contain” China doesn’t mean that Europeans should followsuit. The voting rules of the existingBanks were skewed in favour of the West, so it is unsurprising that a growingpower like China, having failed to secure reasonable voting reform of theexisting institutions, would decide to set up their own. Indeed it is healthythat China is starting to look outwards a little more.
Europe should not get caught up in the UScompetition and rightly will want to participate in all constructiveventures. There’s no reason to believethis won’t be constructive. No doubt theamount of capital they contribute over time will reflect their degree ofconfidence in the rules and working of the institution as it develops. Every reason to get in on the ground,observe, seek to influence and act accordingly. No reason to get side-tracked by US powergames and petty jealousies.


Harold Godwinson 1 hour ago

@AllergicToBS Completely agree – the best US response wouldbe to invite China to join the boards of both the IMF and World Bank, withappropriate voting rights commensurate with her financial contribution.
If we all want to recycle China’s reservesand surplus, surely this is the best way to achieve it.

U999 1 hour ago

@Harold Godwinson @AllergicToBS
Harold you are not in agreement with theidea that the US has a strategy to “contain” China. If you were you would realize that givingChina significant influence at the IMF & World Bank cannot be part of a UScontainment strategy.


Harold Godwinson 1 hour ago

@U999 @Harold Godwinson @AllergicToBS I think that the US does, or did, have astrategy to contain China. I think that is a totally ridiculous strategy.


WL – Minneapolis 1 hour ago

@Harold Godwinson @AllergicToBS “withappropriate voting rights commensurate with her financial contribution”
China borrows more from the World Bank thanit contributes.


Harold Godwinson 57 minutes ago

@WL – Minneapolis @Harold Godwinson@AllergicToBS So what – that is thewhole point of the existence of the World Bank. What’s the point in a bankaccount if you can’t have an overdraft?


EdoRoshi 2 hours ago

The United States warned Europe overRussian gas lines, but they went ahead, and now look at their situation. The United States is warning them about thisnew bank, perhaps this time things will be better. It is hard to imagine how such a bank, withdocumentation, information systems, working procedures, laws, administrativeprocedures, with appropriate safeguards can just be conjured up soquickly. China will invest in placeswhere it can obtain raw materials; and in places where it needs to subdue thepolitics. It’s a free market, only aquestion of risk. Perhaps Europe canborrow money from China in order to further its development.


Bellerophon 2 hours ago

@EdoRoshi The situation with Russia isabout more than just gas lines.


Jake in Seoul 2 hours ago

If memory serves Deng Xiaoping once opinedthat Western attitudes toward China were easy to understand: they merely viewedChina a “big chunk of meat” 一大块肉 on which to feast. It seems that Europeans now are once againproving him correct.
Ironically, America’s more principled, ifmisguided and clumsy, attempts to deal with China’s rise may end up enhancingits esteem there.
