2015-03-12 15:41:54

In the global currency cage match, the dollar is as unstoppable as undefeated UFC champ Ronda Rousey.


The greenback is trading at a 12-year high against the euro and 8-year high versus the Japanese yen.


This strength is, in many respects, a sign that the economy in the United States is much healthier than Europe, Japan and many other parts of the world.


It is great news for Americans looking to travel overseas anytime soon. It’s possible that the euro could reach parity with the dollar in the not-so-distant future. One euro is currently worth about $1.07.


The surging dollar also helps make the price of imported goods cheaper in the U.S. Looking for a Japanese car or handbag from Italy? Now might be a good time to start shopping.

But investors are taking the opposite approach to the strong dollar. They are selling stocks as fast as they can. The market was tanking on Tuesday.

“The speed of the change in the value of the dollar has surprised many multinationals,” she said. “The impact on the competitive side is harder to hedge.”

How much worse can it get? The dollar has already gained nearly 13% versus the euro this year.

But the dollar could appreciate even further now that the European Central Bank is finally buying bonds through a quantitative easing program while the Federal Reserve seems poised to raise interest rates later this summer.

Focus on companies with little foreign exposure. Simply put, higher rates should lead to a stronger currency.


That strategy may do well for a while if the dollar continues to put the euro, yen and other currencies in an armbar like Rousey does to her helpless opponents.


McRight52 15 hours ago

further proof we are the best

InfoSphere 15 hours ago

@McRight52 I don’t know about that. A dollar used to be worth approximately 33 times as much back in the days of our Founders.
@McRight52 我不懂这些。但1美元在建国时顶现在的33美元。

MLeRoy 15 hours ago

@InfoSphere @McRight52 Back in the days of our Founders, could you buy a Blu-Ray player, a big-screen TV, a smart-phone, or an airline flight across the Atlantic, with those dollars?

@InfoSphere @McRight52 建国时,你能买蓝光播放机吗?能买家庭影院吗?能买智能手机吗?能买横跨大西洋的机票吗? 就用那些建国时的美元?

MLeRoy 14 hours ago

@InfoSphere @MLeRoy @McRight52 And America DOES have access to a plethora of natural resources. In addition, we have the most technologically dynamic economy in the world, with many of the world’s most important technology companies, such as Apple, Intel, Microsoft, Google, Facebook, IBM, HP, Tesla, and etc., and etc. We also have MOST of the world’s best universities, with 27 of the top 30 universities in the world being located right here in the good old U.S. of A.
@InfoSphere @MLeRoy @McRight52 美国就有很多自然资源。同时,我们也是世界上最发达的经济体,拥有很多世界上最大最重要的技术公司,比如苹果,英特尔,微软,谷歌,非死不可,IBM,惠普,特斯拉,等等,等等。 我们也有世界上最好的大学,世界30强大学中,在我们这个又老又旧的美国中,有27个。