2015-03-13 13:59:43

BEIJING: Deriding India’s democratic system, official Chinese media here on Thursday defended ruling Communist Party’s monopoly on power, saying if China had opted for democracy it would have become another India “where around 20 per cent of the world’s poorest live”.


“Hindsight shows us that the Western political system, which is not inherently problematic and was designed to encourage freedom, would have been incompatible to a country where efficiency has driven remarkable economic growth and social development,” state-run Xinhua news agency said in a commentary.


“Further, China’s feat of becoming the first developing country to halve its population living in poverty would have never been accomplished. Half of the 1.3-billion population may have been recipients of foreign aid, making it a huge burden on the world,” it said.


“At best, China would have been another India, the world’s biggest democracy by Western standards, where around 20 per cent of the world’s poorest live and whose democracy focuses on how power is divided,” the commentary said, mocking the democratic political system in India.



Akash ()
east na west india is best…..lol cummuinst



Chennaiwala (Chennai)
What kind of Democracy is India? Corrupt and violent. Power is in the hands of RSS not democratically elected leaders.




bhagwad Park (Unknown)

Even many Indians don’t like democracy. They don’t like the Constitution. They don’t like freedom. Maybe it’s time for them to migrate to China?



Chandrasekaran Duraiswamy (Unknown)
Poor we may be but we live with dignity and self respect. Tyrants subjugating their population to voiceless robots should be ashamed of themselves.




srinivas ()

we want economic growth with freedom.! who needs mere economic growth under oppression? even in jail we get food, cloths n accommodation too! but do we like to go to jail? in China no freedom of expression? everything , newspaper , TV , public meetings,etc regulated. in China people should live like slaves!! in India democracy would have been more successful had congress ruled country efficiently in the last 60years.even then Indians have freedom which is more important for human life. we don’t need biryani food in jail.







Sand Piper (Unknown)
I have my freedom and that’s all it counts. Do you have yours? Perhaps its just a dream for you.



READER (abu dhabi)
What India needs is a proper LAW AND ORDER. If China can offer its help, we INDIANS must accept it whole-heartedly.



MIRROR (Mumbai)
Our jails are running self sufficient and prisoners are getting eat and drinks on time but we never want to go jail. Why? We need freedom. We don’t like dynasty politics. The system of Communism same as Dynasty rules.




Luv Luv (Mumbai)

what is wrong in that? They expressed an opinion, which to certain extent is true! calm down guys….



seemandhra.hyderabad ()
Ok mighty China, you got the worlds best system. But look at the outcome, you have enslaved one third of your population to work for the west in producing various products at low prices, which the west could not do by itself when they were ruling you. And the all the output you are producing is not being consumed by your country men but the rest of the world. Your army now claiming every sea, every mountain, river and lake at your borders and you are flexing muscles at all your neighbors.
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hallihuduga (bangalore)
I agree with this view.



reader (abu dhabi)
Thank You china for tell 1.3 billion Indians that was the best kept secret by the Legislators of India.



shekharsh ()
China is where 50 percent of the world’s oppressed live. We don’t want to be another China.



Sarfaraz ()
they are right….. independence is just transfer of power from British to few politicians


aaaaaa Kumar (India)
Democracy have hurt India badly………. We need to emulate china



The Dust Buster (Mars)
The CHINKS also speak on democracy, funny !



s ()
wait and watch china . matter of yearsbefore yr country becomes disintegrated. we dont kick our poor out of cities like being done in shangai to paint a rosy picture. we are proud of our democracy and our country




Pete ()
China feeling jittery with India now becoming the fastest growing economy? Evidently!



pravinpatil41 (Kolhapur)
I fully concur with China although I hate communism to the core. Democracy has its flaws and china has highlighted the right ones.




alex (mumbai)
Unfortunately our India is a failed state maquerading as a democratic nation
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Ajay Singh (London) replies to alex
May be, because of “failed” indians like you.
