2015-05-11 16:41:39

Calls toPunish China Grow

tom4 days ago 23 26
Andjust who is going to "punish" them? The US? They own us and themajority of our debt. Without China lending us money we would have been bustedlong ago. All they have to do is to call in their marker.

谁会去 “惩罚”他们?美国?他们还掌握我们大量的国债呢?要是中国不借钱给我们,我们早就完蛋了。到时候他们所要做的就是通知下记账员就可以了。

Harry4 days ago 3 7
Thenwe become more responsible spender.


TadzioFalconi 4 days ago 6 7
Actuallyno. Japan is now the largest holder of our debt.



John4 days ago 6 5
Ourdebt is like 18 trillion, China owns how much??? Majority Tom? What are youlike Fox News, trying to scare the old folks around here?

我们有1.8万亿的债,中国持有多少??? 是大多数,汤姆? 你是不是挺爱看福克斯新闻的,可别在到处吓唬人了


icemilkcoffee4 days ago 6 6
Japanis the largest FOREIGN holder of our debt. The largest single entity holdingour debt is our own Social Security. Most of our 'debt' is just money earmarkedfor our retirees.





terrybooth 4 days ago 11 16
Withdrawimport licenses. The Chinese economy would collapse like a popped balloon.



Peter4 days ago 2 6
Aswould the global economy



swgr4 days ago 3 7
Youmean both China and USA collapse.



Kissusa4 days ago 2 11
terryis a three year old. don't listen to him



solano4 days ago 2 7
Areyou serious Terry?? What a fool!!!

特里,你是认真的? 真SB!!!


Titus3 days ago 1 4
Haveyou consider what would happen if China calls back the 2 trillion $ bonds?



gfc3 days ago 1 4
GMis selling more cars in China than in USA. Next year, Apple will also sell moreiPhones in China, so will Starbucks, MacDonald's, KFC, Walmart etc etc. Why areso many Americans so ignorant of world affairs?




Azul4 days ago 19 32
Thosewho clamor for military cooperation with china have not learned from lessons ofthe past. They do not seem to recall the cunning, treachery, and deceit of thechinese commies since 1939 through the taver of China from the Chang Kaisekregime oin 1949, the Korean War where thousands of Americans and UN forces werebutchered, and POWs tortured by the chinese commies. The chinese are adept atdeception and treachery. Prior to opening trade with America, the chinese hidtheir true intent against America and her allies in Asia, seemingly contentwith the money America was pouring into its economy. Secretly, it was buildingits own war machine for the purpose of opposing America and stealing itsneighbors' territories in the future. America never was able to realize allthese until it was too late. Now china has the capability to go to war with itspatron and financier, America, and America still prevaricates and seems fearfulto counter china's menacing stance and bullying tactics. A lot of people backthen warned America of the chinese's treachery, deceit and true intent; ourpoliticians, including then Pres. Nixon, did not listen. Now it seems historywill be repeated AGAIN because of Neville Chamberlains in our midst.



Stanley4 days ago 22 7
Youare talking about Fascist Japan. I wonder you know where China and Japan are inthe map.
Youneed to go to middle school to learn about some history.



Stanley4 days ago 22 7
Youneed to educate yourself first to difference the history of fascist Japan.which committed all the crimes you stated. You have confused between FascistJapan and the China.
Also,America's stupid invasions were destined to fail from DAY ONE.




Miker4 days ago 6 14
Sure,let's dis-invite China from a joint exercise that gives our military theopportunity to observe China's actual naval operational capabilities at thesame time that they are employing their navy to extend their sphere ofinfluence. Sure, that makes a lot of sense, if you happen to be an ostrich.



Andrew4 days ago 7 1
TheU.S. have P-3 Orions and P-8 Poseidons to do that. China is so fearful of themthat they routinely perform dangerous maneuvers against them.



Bifen4 days ago 0 2
Yeathey call it "punish." BS



J 4days ago 0 3
Theywill still be "observing".
