2015-06-28 21:23:08

China says many in Japan not ready to accept its rise


BEIJING —The lack of acceptance by many Japanese people of China’s rise is one of the root causes of theproblems between the two countries, China’sforeign minister, a former ambassador to Tokyo,said on Saturday.


Sino-Japan relations have long beenaffected by what China seesas Japan’sfailure to atone for its occupation of parts of the country before and duringWorld War Two.



taiga_123JUN. 28, 2015 – 06:54AM JST
they are defenently right


Amphibrach PerekosobochiloJUN. 28, 2015 -07:02AM JST
What does “rise” mean? Therecan’t by any good while Chinastays totalitarian!


Sunrise777JUN. 28, 2015 – 07:29AM JST
Most of Japanese do not think that ‘China wants a peaceful, mutually beneficialrelationship with Japan’.They repeatedly invade Japanese territorial waters. They poached red coral nearOgasawara archipelago, Tokyo.Japan’s export and importdependence(exports or imports/nominal GDP) on China are less than 3%respectively. So for Japan, China is not animportant country. On the contrary, Chinacan not produce a lot of industrial products without materials made in Japan.


Seiryuu_DanJUN. 28, 2015 – 07:35AM JST
****Chinawants a peaceful, mutually beneficial relationship with Japan, Foreign Minister Wang Yitold an academic forum.****
Chinaalways say one thing, but does another. Just look at the South China seasdispute and realize that Chinacannot be trusted.


Haaa NemuiJUN. 28, 2015 – 07:38AM JST
“Rise” or expansion? The twoterms are quite different.


paulinusaJUN. 28, 2015 – 07:47AM JST
“Chinawants a peaceful, mutually beneficial relationship with Japan, Foreign Minister Wang Yitold an academic forum.”
Japan is/was very happy with a China’seconomy continually expanding even as it surpassed Japan because of imports/exports.But Chinamade a calculated decision to also be increasingly nationalistic, expandmilitarily and essentially bully neighboring countries. Can China “accept” that’s what reallytroubles Japan and others inAsia?


harvey pekarJUN. 28, 2015 – 07:50AM JST
No one is ready to accept their”rise” because of how they’re doing it and what they’re doing withit.


stormcrowJUN. 28, 2015 – 07:58AM JST
China says many in Japannot ready to accept its rise nor its aggressive behavior.


Yunn YunaJUN. 28, 2015 – 08:03AM JST
Thet’s true , you can’t deny it , China is doing great job for its’ economy , bothJapan and China helped each other is hardtimes and I hope each continue to do so , instead of hating over politics.


gelendestrasseJUN. 28, 2015 – 08:03AM JST
If the Chinese “rise” waspeaceful and in cooperation with the neighbors the Japanese people would behappy to have them as part of the neighborhood. But China’s words continue to bethreats and the actions back that up. The Japanese know what happens when acountry engages in expansionist nationalism – they are living proof. So theyare right to be concerned.


kiyoshiMukaiJUN. 28, 2015 – 08:07AM JST
Rise of china. Really nobody cant competewith china. Maybe we should just speed up the TPP


taiga_123JUN. 28, 2015 – 08:26AM JST
question is are we ok with usa control.look around the world how exausted ppl are. with middle east and south east europe being in conflict. and then there is eu strongstates like germanyand france who had enough of spying. this news should talk about how manycountries are tired of leting usado what it wants. and puting japan on that small majority like amerikan-antichina sentiment would make japan be another bad guy. let china do what it wantsin south china sea. they didnt do anything wrong in south china sea as theyfollowed orders by international peace keepers


AkulaJUN. 28, 2015 – 08:34AM JST
As far as Chinagoes, they are a threat to all their neighbours, however the way Japan currently deals with China is aboutright. Backing down to Chinawill only embolden the Chinese.


jerseyboyJUN. 28, 2015 – 09:17AM JST
“China’sdevelopment has already given Japan very great benefits. But mentally, I don’tthink the Japanese side is fully prepared for this. I think this is the rootcause of many of the issues between Chinaand Japanright now,” he said.
Agree completely. Based on my time in Japan, I believe most Japanese still think Japan is thecenter of power in the region, and have not fully come to grips with thereality of an economic and military super-power as its neighbor. As recently as1995 — just twenty years/less than a generation ago — China ranked #8 in GDPin the world, at less than 1/3 the size of Japan. In 2015 they are #2, with aneconomy two-and-one-half times the size of Japan. And with the legendaryinward-focus of Japan,this has largely gone unnoticed.
