2015-06-29 20:44:04

As tensions continue to unfold in the South China Sea, the question many political observers are assessing is whether or not the United States is coming out on top. Certainly there has been a great deal of rhetoric emerging from the US on the subject in recent weeks and months. And this very week, the current vice president of the United States, Joe Biden, offered further confirmation of what he characterized as Chinese expansionism in this disputed territory.



China Lee ? 2 hours ago
The Hunt for China’s Red October
“[US Vice Adm. Joseph] Mulloy cited Chinese production and testing of submarine launched weapons and said that one [Chinese] SSBN – or ballistic missile submarine capable of launching nuclear weapons – went on a very long 95-day at sea patrol.” (Source: DefenseTech)
The US Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) April 9, 2015 report “stated that China has four Type 094s in service.” According to Jane’s Defence, each Chinese JL-2 SLBM can carry eight MIRV thermonuclear warheads.
4 Type 094 SSBNs x 12 SLBMs per SSBN x 8 MIRVs per JL-2 SLBM = 384 Chinese thermonuclear warheads on submarines


Atlas02la Whiplashracer ? 3 hours ago
Taiwan is reinforcing the island they have. Don’t know what the Vietnamese are doing with their islands. Philippines? Seems like they are doing nothing.


NoCanDo Whiplashracer ? 3 hours ago
They are building these islands well within other nations’ 200 mile economic zone….and WELL outside their own 200 mile eco zone. It’s illegal.


gnak NoCanDo ? 2 hours ago
They were there first right after WWII.US ships even brought Chiang’s
security forces to reclaim the Archipelago after the japanese left.
It is obvious who is stealing from whom


Quack Doktor ? 4 hours ago
All of these were happening because of the “nothing doing Republican Congress”…..they were very much obsessed in humiliating Obama and not doing what was right for the entire country…


jlb74a ? 5 hours ago
oboma needs to build his own damm islands next to the commie chinese…


RyouSure? ? 9 hours ago
SCS is a bowl of soup as you can see that China is not alone claiming islets there……. so what the hell are we trying to accomplish there? Commercial navigation was never and will ever be threatened by any nations which is a Pentagon lie, pure and simple…..!


Atlas02la ? 9 hours ago
Here is a prediction: some sort of compromise will be made between the US and China.
US gets a guarantee of freedom of passage for commercial ships.
China will keep building their facilities and slowly dominate the whole area.
If Philippine wants to stay relevant in the area, they better start building up their islands. Hoping that US will shed blood and treasure for Philippine is a fool’s errand.


Shuami Atlas02la ? 3 hours ago
“US gets a guarantee of freedom of passage for commercial ships.”
The US IS guaranteed of freedom of passage, as well as ALL other countries. When has China impeded ANY country’s freedom of passage?


Atlas02la Shuami ? 3 hours ago
China has not impeded the freedom of navigation in SCS.
However, US is leery of the rise of China and does not want to give up its preeminence in the world.
There will be strategic competition between the 2 countries in many areas. SCS is small potatoes, and a compromise will be made. The real competition will be world economy, like who writes the future rules.


Reality Check Atlas02la ? 2 hours ago
Not really a minor case. Obama wants to use it, extensively, by hooking up Vietnam. It will happen in just a few days, next month, when the Vietnamese leader Nguyen Phu Trong visits Washington.


Atlas02la Reality Check ? 2 hours ago
Vietnam is in a tough position. It wants to be a part of the Chinese Silk Road economic plan, but it also does not want to look weak for political reason.
But, “it’s the economy, stupid” reasoning always seems to win in the end.
