2015-04-20 21:11:48


Amit Ghosh
India must also start to circle China. China is our main enem and not Pak. We must become strong.

Babu Ram
Basically China thinks Pakistan its own terretory. It will be too late for Pakistan to realise this.

The voice
china cannot and will never attempt to take pakistan. they know the consequences. they are not stupid. they are smart and they play their cards like pros. unlike india who has unprofessional politicians.

So China is buying up Pakistan, bit by bit! All lthe best to them!

Umesh Rai
China has money to invest globally. Already planned to Invest $20 bn in India, £125 bn in UK, $40 bn in Srilankan, $6-10 bn in Myanmar, etc, more than $200bn in building high speed rail link to russia, hundreds of billions dollars to another highway project.
On the top of that rapidly modernising its military by investing heavily, building artificial islands and building air strips. And now $46 bn on Pakistan.
China is packed with forex reserve of $4 trillion as compared to $0.39 trillion.

The voice
pakistan is like a field that nothing can grow any more, no matter what you do or how much you try. that soil is bad. investing in something that doesn't give any result is a total waste of time and energy. china is doing this to provoke india. and knows that india get provoked very easily..

China would eat porkistan slowly

Anu Gosavi
Pakistan and China were always together and now U.S. Should give any funds. Indian government has to make it sure.


Very soon our failed neighbour will be renamed Chinesestan

Manoj Kumar
Pakis are fools like always they will be screwed by china in the long run friendship with india would have saved them so much humiliation but pak elite is not bothered as long as they jave comfy life. To hell with the masses.

Indians should prepare for their own doomsday when Uncle Sam will suck them dry and say Bye, Bye,, just like they did to so many countries earlier.

web presence
How come Pakistan gets dollars for importing weapons? I support Pakistan to import low quality weapons from China. They will fail in battle field.

jeff forsythe
As long as President Xi is allowing the bloody genocide of the tens of millions of innocent Falun Gong who live in Red China to continue, he is just another brutal gangster and so are his comrades. Since 1999, the brutal CCP has been attempting the genocide of the tens of millions of innocent Falun Gong who live there. One doctor confessed to removing the corneas from two thousand living people without the use of anesthetics.There are over one million Falun Gong in slave camps hidden all over China. One young, pregnant Falun Gong was arrested, put in a prison cell with four hardened criminals who, on orders from the heinous CCP, raped her. The list of atrocities is endless.These are the facts concerning the cruel CCP. The weak U.N. even appointed Red China a seat on its Human Rights Council last year.

India must do something to stop this. China is surrounding us from all four directions.

Beggars accept alms from every direction. There is no prestige at stake. Atheist helping a true Islamic country is truly Islamic. A non believers excreta also good for them.

The new "East India Company" sets foot in Pakistan