美国网友:Phil 22 hours ago
Just a bunch of inexperienced kids. One USsoldier can take on 10 Chinese.
william 20 hours ago
As a marine combat veteran I know thatnumbers do not win wars. Technology does not win wars. Tactics win wars. Byusing tactics you can hamper enemy troops movements using terrain &weather. Technology is also effected the same way. History has proven time& time again that small unit tactics can defeat large armies.
Casper 21hours ago
The Chinese are getting ready to fight theJapanese and the rest of Southeast Asians.
yuki 20hours ago
The exclusive of the Chinese military ascompares to its enemy is his ability to develop a robust soldiers from theordinary citizens. unlike other country that produced a multiple fleets ofgays. and as a solid gay served under the US flag that only brought violenceand atrocities to the Muslim countries and the weak and poor inclusive of allthe third world countries.with such calamity will further jeopardize thealready fragile peace in the world and many more innocents will perish in 2016and above. therefore, china needs to come out much more state of the artmilitary hardware to equip his soldiers for the sake of the peace not only inSCS but in the world stage.
allen t 21 hours ago
china's officer corps are still promotedthrough bribery and corruption rather than skills and leadership abilities. soyou have generals no man in his right mind would follow across the street, muchless into battle. and that's not changing any time soon.
WoAiZhongguo! 20 hours ago
China, unlike the USA is not bent on worldmilitary domination. China does not need to have its military industrialcomplex make enough money selling weapons around the world to support itseconomy, like you do. China supplies the world with products for living, notweapons for killing, like the USA. If the USA does not have an enemy, itmanufactures one so it can keep making money from war. The USA is moredangerous than North Korea.
The Jack 19 hours ago
How about if all nations convene and decideto rid of all military and focus on building their economies and people?
Puck 101 20 hours ago
If China or any other Nation wants toModernize , let it follow the Path to Peace.
Time 21hours ago
If China ever launches a land war, we areall doomed.