2015-04-12 17:01:01




Is there some sort of bet on how many times the FT can publish the word ‘quixotic’ this quarter?



Japan apparently wanted to join the new bank but failed to do so out of fear of US anger:
See Asahi Shimbun, INSIGHT: Fear of angering Washington forced Tokyo to stay out of China-backed AIIB April 01, 2015



1. I think China and Israel have had close ties for sometime.
2. The new Sri Lankan president I think is focussed on improving relations with the new Indian leadership (for understandable reasons), and a publicly critical look at China might help



I still don’t see why this is a failure of US policy, or a defeat for the United States. What difference does it make if China starts a large development bank? The total size of any such lending will be only a fraction of daily exchange trading. Does this mean that other countries that have joined will put capital into the bank? Or does it mean that they are simply going to feed at the trough of piles of Chinese money? Or both?



@EdoRoshi It is not a defeat for the US per se, but it’s more of a defeat for the usual US saboteuring initiatives.



FT, don’t call it luck. It’s not. Don’t take credit away from China. Rather recognize that the way developed nations have gone running to China, wagging their tails, this shows that the world order is finally changing and the era of US/UK/France/Italy leading the world is now properly in the sunset.


6、Jack Armstrong
I applaud the shakeup in the world order of financing third world projects. Let’s see if they do things differently.
And I am glad to see the US disengage from a leadership role in the world, even if it was not voluntary. I think it will be good for the US and allow it to start thinking about our own problems and putting America first. I would like to see more of it.



7、Paul Munton’s Potimarron
Perhaps that nice Mr Putin and his government might copy Beijing’s example and pursue soft power rather than the destructive hard power they have come to prefer. That would be to the benefit of themselves and the Russian people



8、Legal Tender
There is an old saying:the harder I bribe, the luckier I get!



@Legal Tender The luckiest were to invade, colonize, air strike or simply threaten. When the country that has been using such modus but not in the mean time, it will be striken by bad lucks.

回复Legal Tender:照你这么说那些侵略、殖民、空袭、威胁别人的国家最幸运。不过当过去经常这么干的国家现在不这么干了之后,它就会被不幸笼罩。


@lolc @Legal Tender Exactly.










TPP is an interesting animal. It’s “high quality standards” are set so high, it is estimated that compliance would add 20-30% to the cost of producing goods. Granted that the TPP-12 nations constitute 40% of world GDP – yet not much of that is imports – most of that is domestic services (a()la U.S. + Japan, which counts for 80% of that total). So the agreement literally would mean self-neutering for the smaller, less advanced nations. Philippines is rumored to have made noises about leaving the negotiation tables, which would mean that nothing will get done by the June deadline. After that the American election cycle kicks into high gear, and nothing is going to happen until 2017. By then the RCEP could likely be concluded, especially if Beijing is willing to give succor.The next few months would be a critical window.




One point to watch with the new AIIB is what computer soft and hardware is used. There have already been cries by the UK (and the US!) for “interntional” systems to be used. ie. ones that are open to NSA spying (Both harware and soft). However, could one of the principle reasons for the AIIB sucess, be that it is NOT as open to snooping as SWIFT, being based around a different operating system? This would also explain why Israel is also one of the countries seeking membership, the rich want a secure way of moving money?
Second point is that mentioned above, is to watch the TPP, which is “almost” signed, excluding China.


@stonebird Do you mean if that they are going to create their software from scratch themselves? (a Chinese GS black box)? Because there is no Chinease software in the top 40 in the world, in spite of China on top No 1 & No 3 in the world. With the “UK” HSBC as No 2. + CCB getting Switzerland. All the hard is anyway China-produced 


“Fraunhofer IAO patent analysis finds China leading in Industry 4.0″


Things that you don’t know make you happy and there are lots more that you don’t know about China



Legal Tender 3 days ago
@stonebird. SWIFT is not an operating system- it is a messaging format and messaging platform.
If the AIIB is like the World Bank (ha) many parties and auditors will have access to its payment information- no need to bug the software- the info can easily be bought (unfortunately the more interesting info is between the loan recipient and their suppliers and fixers, not the payment between the AIIB and the borrower).
I am a supporter of the AIIB. China has a lot of economic power and there are many mercantilist nations in Europe and around Asia that are desperate to feed from the scraps of China’s table and also buy influence with Chinese power brokers in the military and government and industry.
Why shouldn’t China take advantage of this? Rather than using only her own funds to buy her way into projects overseas to benefit Chinese companies and allow untold opportunities for cadres to skim funds, why not use the gai-jin’s cash, particularly if China still gets to direct and control the projects and the spoils (some of which will be shared)?
And the increasingly important economic ties between China and other mercantilist nations should make the latter more cooperative when China launches expansionist military adventures.
If a German can head Gazprom why couldn’t a Frenchie or Brit, down the road, head the PRC development and re-education agency in Taipei?





既然一个德国人都能领导Gazprom(俄天然气公司),那么如果法国人和英国人沿着这条路走下去的话也可以领导中国的发展(指在亚投行当行长之类吧)并re-education agency in Taipei(不知道这里指何意,直译是“重新训练台北的代理人”)。


@Legal Tender Of course China wants to profit from the regions that would see progress from infrastructure development. Like what have happened with Africa, what China has done is like giving a better fishing net and a bigger boat to a fisherman. Of course China will benefit by being able to buy more fishes. Your cynicism is understandable. It has been formed through your own history when the unfortunate people in remote regions were taken as slaves and the area colonized. You should know that China is different from you guys.

回复Legal Tender:

ps. By the way, the word “mercantilist” cannot be found in the rules guiding international trade as specified by the WTO. My guess is, the word is used only by bitter sore losers who are too lazy to shed their sweat but still want the best things the world could offer.
