2015-04-15 21:06:39




Blue Falcon 9 hours ago
"I've abandoned free market principlesto save the free market system."
-- President George W. Bush, December 16, 2008


W 5 hours ago
China has brought millions out of povertyand the US has pushed millions more into the poverty. That is the cleardifference between what China has done and what the US has done to theirrespective countries and the world in large. Rising China is only benefitsChina and the world as it has proven so, especially to the developingcountries. The countries that used to rely only on the West leading by the USnot only has not help them at all and also make their situation even worse.China on the other hand, with mutual respect and understanding has filled upthe blank and give extra boost to problem countries. Instead of praising forwhat China has contribute the world, the US, cannot help its jealousness.


W 6 hours ago
The US is doing everything and take everyopportunity to bash China and discredit China because China is growing in theway that is out of control of the US. This is supposedly a good thing for theworld but the US, the world police and control freak sees this is a threat toUS world domination position. The head of IMF has just announced that China'sslower growth is actually benefits to China. So I would not pay any attentionto what the US is bragging about China. In fact, the more the US is bashingChina, the more shows that China is moving in the right direction. I am happywhat China has achieved for China and for the world to enjoy.


David 7 hours ago
Hank here's the Problem, China while not atdouble digit growth currently has all the manufacturing prowess that Americaonce had in WWII. The Oceania, Eurasia paradigm is playing out in front of youreyes and Eurasia wins every time I look at the Stats. Too bad Hank that in 2008you spent so much time on your blackberry and less time critically thinking aboutbailing out the thief's that created the collapse. You sacrificed Lehman tosave Goldman but of course given your ties to Goldman as former chairman whatelse would you have done. The next collapse is at hand Hank this time howeverthere are no Bailouts that will save the day as the Dollar dies and weexperience a complete reset. I suppose they can even put your face on one ofthe new bills as it's all funny money now!


Peter 9 hours ago
I wish he would move to China. he isdishonest pig as far as I am concerned. Goldman Sachs got the largest bailoutof any firm. $386 billion, his competitor Lehman Brothers got nothing, allowedto go broke that caused all kinds of problems for USA. true the timing of thetwo were different but the outcome was the same. He is not much different fromCheney whose firm got billions of dollars of no bid cost plus contracts in theIraq war, furnishing things that had nothing to do with their expertise.


Wally Sparks 8 hours ago
Coming from a man who almost destroyedAmerica!


Andi 9 hours ago
Absolutely wrong! China does not have aproblem at a growth rate of 7%. Every country in the world is dying to have agrowth rate of 7%. You can argue that the data is not correct and China liesabout data, but even if the growth rate is 4-5% that is heck of lot better thanpretty much any country in the world right now. China is doing fine but therest of the world needs to keep making people believe that China is in trouble.Look at the progress not on a daily basis, but every 5 years and you'll see whois coming out ahead.
