2015-08-11 16:08:34

The once irresistible allure of the Chinesemarket to foreign multinationals is losing some of its lustre as slowing growthin the world's second-largest economy hits their sales.


The latest figures from firms reportingduring the current results season in Europe, the United States and Japanpaint a picture of overseas firms facing a worsening of operating conditions inChina.


Volkswagen, which has invested heavily in China and has just displaced Toyota as the world's leading carmanufacturer, saw sales in the country -- which it describes as its"second home market" -- fall 3.9 percent in the first half, its firstdrop in a decade



RichardG 1 day ago 18 21
GDP growth of China is 7% compare to 1% of US!China GDP growth is seven times higher than US !


BadWhiskey 1 day ago 8 64
one of my hobbies involve working ongocarts and minibikes. more and more of them are made in china. they don'tlast, and the parts fail quickly. I also bought a small generator that HFTsells for about 100$. its an 800W 2 stroke. it was used very little, and wasused for powering lawn equip etc. the governor broke, dam! also having problemswith drills etc made in china. don't last long, especially batteries. justsaying, I think its catching up with them.


Paladin 1 day ago 18 23
That's right everyone, boycott the People Republicof China.A government that violates the basic human rights should not be allowed toflourish.


Barack Hussein Obama Is A Jack Off 1 dayago 8 11
I recommend a book by Troy Parfittentitled, "Why China Will Never Rule the World." It is dead on.


Barack Hussein Obama Is A Jack Off 1 dayago 14 15
What a joke! China keeps putting out fakenumbers and the western media keeps propagating it just because of so manywestern financial interests there; to keep people investing, etc. The numbersdon't match up and you are a fool if you invest in anything Chinese with any significantamount of money.
There have been several studies done byreputable financial firms, that don't receive alot of press but are startingto, that have put China'sreal growth at about 3%.


JamesS 1 day ago 14 25
The media loves to paint a bleak picturefor China.But the reality is contrary. People there have lot of money to spend and theyare spending. Foreign countries do have love and hate feeling about people fromChina.Millions and millions Chinese people are taking tours to US, Japan, South Korea,Europe, etc. They are spending insane amountmoney during the trip. Countries like their money. But the countries are alsoafraid that there are just too many of them.


eat-right 1 day ago 19 30
Don't buy "Made in China" Products!!!!!


Huli 1 day ago 7 4
China can not match USAjust because Japanfailed? Stupid if u believe words from your Zionist Medias. When Japan were challenging USA, USA still had a strong Industrymake all kind of stuffs. But now, u only have Zionist Banks, and war machineswhich is feed with Yankee's tax money yet still USELESS on protect USA. China is almost 20 times bigger than Japan, a same Race, people is 10 times more smart as Japanese. Even if they did not move toward, USA herself isfalling. Yankees defeated themselves? I do NOT think so, Their future ismurdered by Zionists.

homer 1 day ago 19 23
Pull out your companies from china andrelocate somewhere else like the Philippinesor Indonesia.


Untis 1 day ago 2 13
China byallowing personal wealth is not a real communist country. The workers areexploited and have no power. Chinahas a booming agriculture we overlook. Next time you go to a supermarket, checkthe frozen food stuff coming from China.


PMR 16 hours ago 1 7
U.S. Companies use cheap labor to improveprofits for the shareholders but keep the billions of such profits in Europeand do not pay taxes in USA.I don't understand who the real beneficiraries of the cheap labor are ? Chinesecitizens because they are getting jobs, US citizens because they have theshares of these companies or Europe whowithout lifting a finger get billions of dollars in their banks ? Is thiscalled economics ?


MyDogLikesPorridge 1 day ago 7 14
I don't see how this is good news toAmericans. If those companies can't hack being profitable in China, with slave level wages and workconditions and non-existent environmental laws, how exactly are they going tobe profitable moving their production to the U.S.or Europe? Answer: they won't.


Factcheck 1 day ago 12 18
Chinadoesn't have a sustainable economy. The government subsidizes industry when productsfail to sell. Eventually Americawill be unable to buy the cheap garbage they manufacture. Their gov't will beunable to prop up their industries so Beijingwill be forced to call in their foreign debt. #1 on that list? America
