2015-04-22 16:31:51

The newspaper also spoke to senior Pakistani officials and politicians who pointed out that “the Chinese are stepping in, in a much, much bigger way than the United States ever contemplated.

Pakman Apr 21, 2015 06:20am China friendship is stronger than steel. A true big brother.

M. Saeed Awan Apr 21, 2015 06:37am The difference in US aidand Chinese is simple that American aid usually considered for petty designs tobe fulfilled by Pakistani Govt. or politicians. While most of Pakistanis thinkthat China invest in Pakistan out of sheer friendship and want to see Pakstronger. USA should only try to win heart at first and stop its hatred policyagainst Muslim countries. Long live Pak China friendship

Apr 21, 2015 06:44am All schemes by theenemies of Pakistan to isolate it have failed. This news has shocked New Delhiand Western Capitals. With this corridor all regional countries will benefitand Pakistan will become an economic power.

ziaurrehman Apr 21, 2015 06:46am US uses tiny aid just tokeep pakistan dependent whereas Cheen wants people around its biggest futuretrade route to progress...

Whatever Apr 21, 2015 06:47am At. Least they are moretrustworthy than America

Tamza Apr 21, 2015 06:48am US 'foreign aid' isactually corporate welfare for American companies, and comes loaded withhigh-price constraints. China's aid is largely 'government' funding, anddollar-for-dollar will go much farther than US/ EU 'aid'.

Kittu Apr 21, 2015 06:55am China's gain is morethan Pakistan's. They get excess to port and to their export. Friend in need isa friend indeed, whose need?

CYRUS Apr 21, 2015 06:57am America has littleintention of investing in Pakistan where Americans are hated and always at riskof kidnappings or being murdered. With friends like Pakistan America doesn'tneed enemies.

Nasir Khattak Apr 21, 2015 06:58am Someone is prettyinterested in Pak-China friendship eh !! American media gave full coverage tothis eve highlighting this humongous investment amount again and again.

mike hasan USA Apr 21, 2015 07:00am With primary focus onMiddle East & Afghanistan wind up, Pakistan's strategic importance hasdeclined. China knows that well, good for Pakistan.

NORI Apr 21, 2015 07:06am "Chinese engineerswill be dispatched over 15 years to work in Pakistan in projects". Wonderhow many jobs would be created for Pakistanis if this is the case !!!

A Kashifi Apr 21, 2015 07:08am Sharifs starting workfor a new master. Are they allowed to?

Guest Apr 21, 2015 07:16am What US is giving is aidand what China is doing investment at least that is what is being claimed. Onlytime will tell how much investments actually happen over how many years, andhow much it is loan that Pakistan will have to return. It will take decade orso. US aid had been real and Pakistan has actually received it, Chineseinvestment is actually on paper at the moment.