2016-01-04 15:30:08

中国外交部于周二发言称要等着看日方及韩国之后是怎么严肃对待中国的,并且日本这是对战时性奴隶(或者叫“慰安妇”)问题做了一件里程碑的事。日本网友: 答应南韩的主张已经证明了日本的诚意,现在是南韩实现日方请求移除慰安妇雕像以展现诚意了。

AsianGaijinYesWeExistDEC. 30, 2015 - 07:18AM JST
Don't bother. Mrs. Abe was practically tripping over herself to prove that it was all tatemae.


Mr. NoidallDEC. 30, 2015 - 11:01AM JST
China in wait: oh my god, it looks like Japan may actually atone for WW2. Let's hope not, then we won't have anymore political sticks to beat Japan over the head with or to stir the hatred among our own populace. Can you imagine that? If the people don't have scorn in their hearts we won't be able to exercise our control over them.


AsianGaijinYesWeExistDEC. 30, 2015 - 11:09AM JST
China and South Korea have constantly used Japan's past to stir up nationalist sentiment
And Japan is constantly enabling them.
"I'm sorry"
"no, not really" [under breath]


AlanDEC. 30, 2015 - 11:47AM JST
Japan’s history of militarism and aggression had brought deep suffering to China and other Asian countries.
And China's history of human rights abuses has brought deep suffering to its own people. Without diminishing Japan's war crimes, I am amazed that China considers itself qualified to sit in judgment on another country's record of human rights violations.

GWDEC. 30, 2015 - 12:15PM JST
While there is a LOT about China I don't like/agree with they are prudent to sit & wait to see how Japan will sabotage its own deal in all likelihood. abe's idiot wife certainly got it off to a hell of a start!


Japan is going to have a hell of a time I think trying to fool the world its sincere!


A RealistDEC. 30, 2015 - 02:52PM JST
Oh, no worry there. Nothing Japan does will ever be "sincere enough" or "good enough" for China or Korea. They will never, ever stop hating Japan; it's who they are and what they do. As if they really care about "comfort women" or anybody else, all they care about is that they were defeated and humiliated and they will never forgive that in a thousand years.


OssanAmericaDEC. 31, 2015 - 08:46AM JST
Japan has already proven it's sincerity by agreeing to SKorea;s demand, Now SKorea can show IT'S sincerity by removing the monument as Japan requests.
