2015-07-13 14:08:57

On July 1, the U.S. published its new national military strategy, just a few months after China released its own. Both papers are intended for broad public consumption; neither addresses specifics about weapons and strategy. Taken together, they paint an interesting contrasting portrait of the military thinking guiding the two superpowers.


“And in response to the new requirement arising from China’s all-round and deepening reform, the armed forces will continue to follow the path of civil-military integration (CMI), actively participate in the country’s economic and social construction, and firmly maintain social stability, so as to remain a staunch force for upholding the CPC’s ruling position and a reliable force for developing socialism with Chinese characteristics,” it states.


Contrast that with the U.S. military budget of $598 billion — far, far more than the Department of Justice (law enforcement) budget of about $30 billion. Consider also the content of theU.S. military strategy, which puts a special emphasis on the prolonged battles against terrorism: “We are more likely to face prolonged campaigns than conflicts that are resolved quickly… that control of escalation is becoming more difficult and more important… and that as a hedge against unpredictability with reduced resources, we may have to adjust our global posture.”
The United States is preparing for never-ending war abroad. In China, the focus is eternal war at home.
相比较之下,美国军事预算的5980亿美元远远远远远超过美国司法部(执法部门)约为300亿美元的预算。同时考虑 美国军事战略的各类项目,也特别强调了长期与恐怖主义斗争的现实:” 我们更可能面临的是长期运动而并不是短期斗争…增强控制变得更加困难,也更重要。资金和资源投入的减少会成为我们对抗不确定性时的阻碍,这也许会导致我们 不得不调整美国的全球姿态。”T


johnb33  ·  -341 minutes ago
I am getting a bit concerned with the bellicose nature on the PLA’s cyber patrol. We really need to watch our backs here. I think Presidents Obama’s “pivot” to Asia may have come after intelligence found out there are actual plans to start a war with the US. With the tone of some of the Chinese agents on here, it is seeming more likely.
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Steven  ·  -436 minutes ago
Joe provide the facts to prove your statements. Do you realize that you are being ignored on this message board?
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Shooi Dan Tom  ·  -140 minutes ago
Keep on watching.
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Joe smith  ·  -132 minutes ago
I do love China. Watching your country implode when all of the bubbles burst will be great fun.
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Steven  回复层主
Shooi Dan Tom  ·  回复层主
Joe smith  ·  回复层主

SailorRet  ·  6 hours ago
The PLA has always been a department of the Chinese Co**nist Party. There doesn’t seem to be any change. Both Reagan’s wars on democracy, and Dubya’s fantasy to be a war hero like his daddy, shows even the US military can become a department of the Republican Party. So when United States is controlled by the Republican Party, there isn’t much difference in military policy between America and China.
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Shooi Dan Tom  ·  -141 minutes ago
Are you related to my Jewish uncle Karl??
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Shooi Dan Tom  ·  -104 minutes ago
You love China too much, too. Get a life.
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中国人民解放军一直都受控于,这似乎没有任何改变。总统里根的皿煮的战争,还有小布什幻想和他爹一样成为战争英雄(注:老布什二战多次成功执行飞行 任务,而小布什越南战争当了逃兵)这些都显示了美国军方甚至可以成为共和党的一个部门。所以每当美国是由共和党控制,就和中国的军事政策并没有太大差异。
Shooi Dan Tom  ·   回复层主

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Bernt Bowles
Joe smith    回复层主

nvtncs· 回复层主

chruda  ·  18 hours ago
About 65 years ago, the victors from the WW2 with the most powerful military in the world, together with its allies from 16 countries, was so badly beaten by an army of mainly poor peasants from China. Go visit the Korean War Memorial in DC. The deaths and casualties are clearly printed there. It seems time wipes out memories quickly and the US is in need for another lesson.

Edwin Cheung  ·  16 hours ago
Don’t forget China paid a big price in terms of human lives in order to fend off U.S. who had super superior military hardware. They were banking on U.S. is not going to hit the nuke button and fended off perceived U.S. aggression at their front gate.
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JustMe  ·  14 hours ago
because they still have more people living like animals then people not living like animals….
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Edwin Cheung    回复层主
JustMe   回复层主