2015-04-10 16:04:14


1)Is China creating its own NAZI mentality? Could a war disintegrate China and create several smaller countries in the future? When this happens, I like to see Taiwan create its own "United States of Taiwan" inside Mainland China. IN MY DREAMS but very possible if present trends continues. e.g Scarborough Shoals, encroaching activities in Spratley regions owned by the Philippines, etc...Filipino fishermen can not fish in their own backyards anymore because they becomes the controlling factor in the Maritime traffic in the West Philippines seas, or the South China sea, the world's 3 trillion dollars activities in that region could be in jeopardy. China can say "If you use China sea, you must pay a fee". "You can not enter my air space or you gonna get shot at". This will irritate the world against China that could trigger a big war in Asia. I doubt if it will be a WW-III.

 2)Mean while, the United States and the EU still haven't put huge sanctions on the Chinese rich and powerful in an effort to starve the Chinese citizens to revolt.


3)China's illegal claim of islands and waters in the South China sea is used largely as a spring board to capture the rest of this sea in the coming decades. China's words on building shelters, aids for navigation, search and rescue are a big lie too. According to World Giving Index 2013, China ranks 2nd from the bottom worldwide on generosity, and using the illegally claimed islands for helping out others is unconceivable by a very stingy country and just a disguise to cover its lawless, imperialist and territorial-greed intent.


4)The islands are like 15 miles away from Palawan a big island under the sovereignty of the Philippines but the chinese government issued a statement that saying the work falls "within the scope of China's sovereignty". How dumb are you to claim such part of someones country when you're like 1.1k miles away from it? LMAO im a FILIPINO myself and this kind of things are troubling me specially the people of china are believing their government that those area belongs to them.


It's not about WORDS, it's about ACTIONS. Is there anything that Filipinos are willing or able to do about it? How about cutting TRADE with China, and deporting Chinese Companies from the Philippines; are Filipinos willing to do that???


phillippinos don't do - they beg


I find it funny that all the Philippines talks about is how close geographically the Spratlys is to it. But distance has nothing to do with sovereignty. How close is Havaii to the U.S. continental part? There is a joke: Philippine leader says to Chinese leader, "These islands are very close to us." Chinese leader replies, "The Philippines is also very close to China."


Falklands are British territory and have been settled by British subjects for centuries They even voted to remain British subjects rather than become Argentinian subjects. Hawaii has been part of the U.S. for over one hundred years. It also chose to become a state in 1959 a thriving part of the good old U.S.A.
There are no historic Chinese settlements on Mischief Reef, nor a history of Chinese control of the area in the past. China's argument boils down to, "we saw it first (maybe) so it's ours." Whereas the islands are actually within the Philippines EEZ giving them control according to the UNCLOS treaty which China signed.
It's not the same by any measure unless you're a Chinese twit with the mental capacity of a gnat grasping for an excuse to steal someone else's territory, which is all shaiful and paul are doing.

他们不一样,不以任何标准衡量。愚蠢的中国人像一只贪婪的虫子任意妄为的窃取别国领土,这全部是Shaiful和 paul 在做的。

Communist China thinks everything belongs to them, they just don't control it yet.


I was saying that distance itself doesn't determine sovereignty. Neither is the unilaterally drawn EEZ when it overlaps with other EEZs or islands/reefs in dispute. If Spratlys is as habitable as Hawaii or Falklands, Chinese would probably have been there long time ago. The Chinese fishermen have been there since ancient time though.


None of what you said confers sovereignty upon that territory to China, and it's still a territory grab no matter how you try to weasel out if it. Woulda, coulda, shoulda, add up to jack squat when it comes to legitimate territory claims. Chinese fishermen have been there since ancient times? Hey guess what so has every other nation in the areas fishermen, it doesn't count as a legitimate factor in regards to controlling a territory for sovereignty claims.


5)If China is not the rightful owner of the South China Sea (SCS), who is? Philippines? Vietnam? Even during colonial times, their powerful masters, the US and the French also wouldn't dare to lay claim of ownership on their behalf! (Although China was much weaker then).
When Chinese ships were busy sailing and fishing in the SCS hundreds of years ago, treating SCS as their laguna, the Pinoys and the Viets were still struggling for nationhood.



6)China says it is legal but does not want to submit itself to the scrutiny of the law.


7)Lawless Philippines claims that islands that USA did not even says these belong to Philippines. All Philippines nation's territorial borders are clearly mapped to the east of the islands it is claiming now, by Spain, USA and even in the USA-Ph security treaty.
Where the EEZ 200 kn overlapped, the middle line is the border.
Reuters is biased in stating that this island within PH's EEZ - not a surprise at all as it has repeatedly lied about this all alone to help WarMonger Obama's Return to Asia Pacific Policy.
China and 19 nations upon signing up UNCLOS put a clause that their territories cannot be subjected to any UNCLOS' arbitration.
PH's law suit of China is reported paid by Obama. Japanese Chief Judge of UNCLOS violated UNCLOS's own rule by accepting the law suit and even appointed a German Lawyer to represent China - this is not a surprise for a Japanese to do this dirty job.


8)The Philippines should request the USA for help to bomb that place.


9)Thief and Robber United States was merely founded 500 years after China surveyed, named and documented all the 230 islands in the SCS. During 1800's UK's Britannica and Modern Atlas already clearly printed the maps showing all this area was China's territory.
In 1946, Japan returned to China
In 1947, China issued its Dash 9.
What else USA wants to complain about.


The dash 9 was created by the nationalist party not the communist China. It did now clarify what the dash 9 means. It was just lines without concrete meaning. If China is confident that they own those islands, they should defend it in the international court.


It was originally a Dash 11.
China has shown considerable flexibility and imagination in drawing dashes...........a unique approach to international law.


international court is usa court
china owns them before usa or any of the claimnants were born - case close


China clearly violated UNCLOS which China signed and promise to uphold.


old Chines maps show no Tibet, no, Xinjiang, etc. so we should abide by Tibet and Xin Jiangs sovereignity?


What are the coordinates of the dash line? Oh, its just imaginary.

虚线的坐标是什么?哦 ,他是虚构的。

10)In other words, Communist China is pursuing now the Asia for Asians concept of the Imperial Japanese Army in WW2 which aims to drive away the US from the region.


11)The only news isn't news at all. The US will not actually do anything to prevent China from its imperialist expansionism. To actually take action against China would risk conflict, and the US can't bear to lose all that poorly made #$%$ that we stock the shelves of Walmart with. And our politicians can't bear to lose all those consulting fees that they have been promised to gain after their terms are up.

这新闻不是唯一的新闻。美国不会真的做什么,阻止中国帝国主义扩张。实际上和中国产生冲突风险会很大,我们不能不失去所有质量低劣的 #$%$ (可能指中国货),我们的股票和沃尔玛架子上的东西。我们政治家们不能失去这些咨询费,他们已经答应他们的条件一直到任期到。

12)Yes, USA should send soldiers attacking Chinese. That would be a very easy thing for teach those Commies some lessons.


13)you cannot trust what chinese mouth says, they all lie.
No enforcer of law in the world now.
Countries are joining to China Bank is strategy by chinese.
Almost of the country in the world are member.'
So china grabber easily take land and sea which does not belong to them
The CHINESE are big PIRATES in West Philippine Sea.
No one will depend small country like philippines
Just words of wars
Corrupt country lead to hungry people no future...


14)the Philippines are doing nothing!!! these mongoloids trolls keep nearer and nearer...yet these hypocrites from the Government still deaf and blind...
