中国强军 外国网民:美国霸主宝座快保不住啦
2015-05-10 14:15:36


China's military buildup, which includes developing stealth fighters(隐形战机) and anti-satellite missiles(反卫星导弹), has unnerved the region and Washington, especially since Xi took office in 2013 and started taking a tougher line on maritime territorial disputes(海上领土争端).

SPQR 26 minutes ago
The French politician and writers, Mr peyrefite, wrote a book in the 70's , where he made up the famous Napoleon saying " when China wakes, the world will shake"
In this book he explains that the day China start developing, China will first try to reach the American commercial strength by developing its economy with cheap labors that will dominate the world market. Then it will develop its navy to be again the regional leader of Asia.
In the 90's (before dying) he wrote an other book saying China woke up and have for purpose by 2050 to be the world leader and get revenge from the foreign domination over China the last 2 centuries, which China perceives at its great shame to be cleaned up.


KPaul 23 minutes ago 2 个弱 0个赞
Chinese military equipment are poor copies of technologically inferior Russian weaponry. Yes some Chinese weapons may be good or equal to World class weapons, but they are not game changers in a real fight.
The Chinese military will have a tough time fighting Vietnamese or Indian forces let alone outright winning against these nations. A Chinese surprise attack may temporarily cripple these nations enough for China to stop and claim victory. However such tactics will not work against US, Japan or even Taiwanese forces.
However a jingoistic, falsely confidant China with a chip on its shoulder should be feared and all regional nations should prepare for surprise or rapidly escalating conflict with China.


AngryWhiteAmerican 1 hour ago
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And America doesn't need to build up because the next war will be right here. the media and politicians have turned us against each other. divide and conquer.


Fawghawn L Hawn 2 hours ago
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Se The only solid evidence I see about this: during Clinton's second term, LORAL Corporation (a major US satellite mfg., and its president, applied for an export license for China). LORAL's application was approved..and the technology transfer included critical guidance technology , which the Chinese used to make their ICBMs (洲际弹道导弹)more accurate. Effectively, LORAL GAVE the Chinese information that saved them decades of R&D(研究和开发)...and enabled them to target the USA with guided missiles.So Clinton's boast (that US cities were safe from nuclear attack) is a damned lie-he knew what the Chinese were up to and deliberately ignored the Loral matter.
For this, Clinton deserves to be called the worst US president of modern history..of course,his apologists never mention this affair!
see how this fits in your beaks clinton birds.

我看到的唯一的确凿证据是:克林顿第二任期时,劳拉公司(美国最大的卫星制造公司,他们的总裁,申请取得出口中国的许可证)。公司的申请通过了.....然后出口的技术内容包括了导航技术,这使得中国将他们的洲际弹道导弹可以打的更精准更有效了。劳拉公司提供给中国的技术让中国节省了几十年研究和开发的时间.....并且让他们可以更准确地将导弹瞄准美国本土。所以克林顿所谓的“美国非常安全,不要担心核攻击之类”的话全是危险的谎言。克林顿知道中国已经觉醒了,并且很淡定地无视了罗拉公司。(Loral matter在这里不清楚指什么,求高手指点)

tommy 1 hour ago
0 个弱
Bottom line, China can field a 30 million man army. they could easily lose 15 million and still have the largest army of all time. Unlikely they could move very far from their own borders even more unlikely anyone would even try invading. what is that? How nature says do not touch?


pkpandit 5 hours ago
4 个赞
Wonder situation is getting more and more volatile!

Freddie 1 hour ago
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China only has two legitimate enemies to worry about. Russia and USA. The USA doesn't want a war with China and I don't think China wants a war with America. The trade partnership is far too lucrative. Russia is a different animal. You just don't know what Putin is thinking. The Russians have attacked China before without provocation. But China is much more militarily powerful now than in 1969. China would be more than a match for Russia today. That leaves North Korea which is about as crazy as a bag of rabid weasels and Japan. Nobody can say what the DPRK will do in the future. Japan's continued development as a military power will be interesting. If they're military budget continues to grow at the current rate they'll be quite the regional power in short order.
