2015-07-20 20:12:00

纵使很多人对于中国军事能力增长的担忧不断增强,中国也被一些人称为“纸龙飞舞”。《路透社》David Axe报道,在特定战争中,中国快速增长的军事力量能够与美国匹敌,但中国远土作战能力有限。

Despite growing concerns over China's military capabilities, it has also been called a "paper dragon."


The rapidly improving Chinese armed forces could match or defeat the U.S. in certain conflicts, but are still limited in their capabilities to act far away from home, writes David Axe for Reuters.

《路透社》David Axe报道,在特定战争中,中国快速增长的军事力量能够与美国匹敌,但中国远土作战能力有限。


Inn0centSinner ? 17 minutes ago
China is a powder keg waiting to explode internally. The Chinese people are heavily micromanaged inside the Great Firewall where money is spent more on internal security than external security. That Chinese oppression is mighty expensive. Until the day comes when the Chinese people can no longer live in fear, China will have no ambition to be a global power as long as they continue to have constant internal problems.


GLI0213 ? 42 minutes ago
Unprepared, but they are challenging the US by threatening and warning them in some occasions or maybe they're just bluffing.


C. Alzona ? an hour ago
The U.S. Congress and White House are controlled by Corporate America, U.S. Chamber of Commerce and Ivy League economists and that is why there is no comprehensive policy coming out of Washington, DC.


The Pentagon is now worried about the latest Communist Chinese military bravado and the great leap in the sophistication of Chinese military armaments. And at the same time we have the White House Council of Economic Advisers, chaired by Jason Furman, who is for outsourcing of American jobs, technology and manufacturing know-how to Communist China with multiple applications; commercial, space and military.

五角大楼现在担忧中国军队的穷兵黩武,以及武器装备的大跃进。同时由Jason Furman掌舵的白宫经济顾问委员会,正将标志着综合国力的商业、空间及军事的就业、科技和生产工艺转让给共产中国。

Jeb ? an hour ago
All China would have to do is cut lending us money. Now tell me how do you run a military with no money in a country that is as good as bankrupt?


Dennis Tran Jeb ? an hour ago
Jeb, China would fall into utter chaos instead of the U.S. The Chinese need the U.S. more than the U.S. needs China. Most of their population would immediately go unemployed in a matter of months due to sanctions against them by the U.S. and NATO/EURO allies.


marley Jeb ? an hour ago
you should tell that to your comrade master, it is a good idea. USA will survive w/out china, but china will be dome to fail, coz you are not smart enough to create your own innovation, technicality chinese has spend the 3000 years stealing other countries innovation. remember if not by the USA bringing the job to the people of china, china still licking dirt to survive. the USA as young as 2-300 years have much, much contributed to lift the life of humanity from what we are now. provide financial aids w/c china have benefitted for almost a century now. contributed free food world wide, assisted financial/labor force in free in world wide calamities, provide home to refugee, keep the air/ sea safe around the world so the business trade flows smoothly. defending the human rights of all people around the world.
many time the USA put the life of her military personnel on line helping/protecting the oppressed citizen around the world.


what was china have done from 5000 years of existence????? tell me other than harassing, intimidating her small weak neighboring countries, stealing their sovereign territories mandated by the UNCLOS w/c china is one the MAIN signatory as member of the UN security council. china choice the path of the late NEONAZI HITLER, JOE STALIN, MAO ZEDUNG who are know to their cruelty against humanity, killingwill never be given the same respect as the USA around the world. wake up china is not too late to redeem yourself from insanity and learn to live peacefully w/ other races.


 jealousy gets you killed marley ? 17 minutes ago
you are moron! the birth of real china didnt take place after WWII. Prior to that, the country was raped and invaded by japan and the west. No, it was Mao's policy that killed the chinese which was an unfortunate consequence. Looking back, his policy now places us as the world largest economy. How long did it take us to be on top, moron? That's less 70 yrs, genius! We are the 3rd superpower behind the axis of evil and russia. How long did it take us, idiot?

In more than 200 yrs of its existence, how many native Indians did the axis of evil had to kill to be on top? How's your policy working out in the middle east? Oh yeah, you morons cowarded down and packed home and left your killing machine, ISIS, to finish off your job??? good job??

!@#$ morons like you, did you bother to look tup the UNCLOS? China did disclose these island claims in the UNCLOS when she signed. Do you have anything upstairs to wonder why no one made a fuss about it or nullified the agreement. Also, go back to your master and tell them to sign the UNCLOS. If not, shut your pie-hole.




Dan ? 2 hours ago
Not Yet?? Are you sure about that? The AIIB will shortly lead to its own versions of the World Bank and IMF encompassing the entire Eur-Asian-frica-nesia sphere. It is within this short range impenetrable defensive zone that they are developing and testing their long range capabilities. Soon, the AIIB and its spin-off banking system would weaken the USA to a point of No Return. The UN is abetting these actions as it tore down the 1st world nations economies for distribution to the 2nd and 3rd, rendering us weaker for sustained warfare from lacking industrial and manufacturing facilities to quickly retool for a war. The USA and EU should drop the UN Mafia Crooks and go to war immediately with China, Russia, and Iran. It's the only way, or we will all be ruled by an Empirical Tyrannical Elite Class <--not to fold of the ideals of freedom and liberty for everyone!!


Steve Parker ? 2 hours ago
Were the Chinese forces with NO BATTLE experience whatsoever "microwaved" to parity with the USA after america's non stop battles since 1992? LMFAO Who writes this garbage?


Glen ? 2 hours ago
They can do kung fu and fake stuff. They are not ready for war. Japan would put them down like a dog.


 Sichanh Thammavongsa ? 2 hours ago
Chinese must Think twice before making any trouble in the south China sea because the US have so many war partners to deal with that situation


Shiu Lee Sichanh Thammavongsa ? 21 minutes ago
The US was involved in two major wars in Asia in the past 65 years. Do you know that in both wars, the US was defeated directly and indirectly by the Chinese. Have you seen those ugly scenes of US forces withdrawing from the Vietnamese capital?


Dan Sichanh Thammavongsa ? an hour ago
You mean like stealing neighbors shared fishing grounds - destroying reefs - and putting your oil rig in your neighbors waters. Yeah, They are really Thinking Twice.


kleronomia ? 2 hours ago
They probably could defeat the US now; most of the US forces are too busy being politically correct wearing red high heels and sassing about in skirts. This is the fault of POTUS, . . .oh, excuse me. . . .POS


Dan kleronomia ? an hour ago
We are ready to send you all back to the stone age, *Even if it takes us with YOU.* That's the beauty of Thermonuclear War. Better to Die for a Just Cause -than to- Die Just Because! Guess what happens to all our Debt, <--We Accumulated Defending the Free World from Thugs Like You), when China, Russia, and Iran are No More?

 Richie Duke ? 2 hours ago
This author is a pathetic warmonger. Period.


Red Fox Richie Duke ? 2 hours ago
The media is a tool. Who is the puppeteer?


Roger Davis ? 2 hours ago
Totally agreed ! Definitely, China is always a " Dragon" but, a dragon made by " paper". My ancestor was China, however, I really don't like Chinese history and its people. I don't know why China Communist always showed off its "outside power " more than civilization of human being in this planet. If China Communist take over the control of the world, they will step up on the people heads and look down people like their slaves. What Communist China wanted is " This planet should become China's slaves. That why you have never seen Chinese people say" Hi" to others on the street.
China ? Oh No ....


Jigsaw ? 2 hours ago
The U.S. military uses the middle east as a training ground for their military it is just a good way to keep the military ready. The U.S. is intelligent no other country is as intelligent as the U.S.


Roy Evans ? 3 hours ago
In the US Military we were taught to avoid propaganda ... and this article is the best i have seen in quite sometime.


Jake ? 3 hours ago
one step of the time.... China is surprising the whole world ! I know China is frustrating the Hell of the U.S !

cncritic2014 ? 3 hours ago
Well said. Bravo.
This is a quality article I have ever read.


But folks also need to bear in mind that this is a military competition. There are many trickeries and disguises. It is always the right thing to bear in mind that your opponent might hiding their true capabilities.


But if we just look at all information available, it is true that China cannot beat US currently. And definitely it is true that China only focuses on developing short-range battles.


In my high school textbooks regarding the Japanese invasion, it explained that it was a matter of time when Japan lost all of its energy and power to fight against China. Japan had to keep send troops to a vast land where the population was way larger than Japan. Too many areas to cover.


I think that it is the same reasons why China will not go to attack American soils. It is far away, it is time inefficient, it is too much effort for military mobilization. That is why China will focus on short-range battles.


I totally agree with this guy. However, who knows.
It is like a Starcraft game. You know. It is all about strategies.

 Mike Duncan ? 4 hours ago
I think China Communist needs to have a lesson learned from Japan's WWII.
Today, the world most nice, kind & rich are the Japanese becuase they are awake after 2 nukes on Japan.
We want China Communist to learn the WW3 lesson. Since China Communist has 1.3 billion Chinese, US may requires to drop about 2 dozens nukes on China. It will redure @least 20% Chinese population & it will also reduce air pollutions for chinese to live.


Ta Nguyen Mike Duncan ? an hour ago
Totally agree.


Jigsaw Mike Duncan ? 2 hours ago
I disagree, i would not like to see a conflict that large, you would probably be killed along with your entire family. Dropping Several Hydrogen Bombs would be more effective today's nuclear weapons are much larger than the one's used on Japan. I think they we would make Earth uninhabitable. We should just wait and colonize Mars. The U.S. should claim Mars and colonize it before any country does.

 Jose N Lee Jigsaw ? an hour ago
@Jigsaw there is no sign of life in Mars. Just havin experience bone dry California makes Californian so nervous where to get their water to support life.


4567654 ? 4 hours ago
Typical of the Western media to assume what others think as fact. When did China ever state it had global military ambitions. Oh, yeah, they assumed it. So then they make up stories based on their assumptions to mock China on something that was of their own fiction in the first place. China has always had a military large enough to defend itself against adventurism like Western colonialism. The West makes up the lie of China plotting to take over the world to distract from the fact the West like an evil force has been the only people who ever tried to take over the world for their own evil ambitions. On paper the US was suppose to beat China in the Korean War, the Vietnamese in the Vietnam War, the Iraqis and Taliban in the War on Terrorism... And how did they turn out? Don't need as big a military as the US to beat the US.


XBX 4567654 ? 3 hours ago
how come you failed to mention wwII? Where American took on two powerhouses thousands of miles from there shores and won hands down. Dumb Fukc. Nope wouldnt want to be China when USA gets mad.
