2015-04-22 12:19:34

  Surprisingly China is one of the world leaders in Renewable Energies. It’s actually a huge part of Chinas Economic Stimulus Strategy. A lot of this came about due to China’s realisation that they had no oil reserves of their own, and coal is rapidly dwindling. Unlike 4 year democracies, China plans for the long long term, and knows that energy crises could be a catalyst to anti-government action.

Currently 17% of all of China’s energy is generated by renewable means. According to this China Could Replace Coal with Wind by 2030. The source is dubious, but there is very good evidence that China’s renewable resources are growing at a faster pace then most countries around the world. This is way ahead of anything any western country is doing. It’s for much more pragmatic reasons then the environment, but the outcome is the same.

The west should take a look at China’s stance on long long term projects that go beyond their terms in office.




Usman Qazi75 upvotes by Isaac Gaetz, Paul Denlinger, Srihari Radhakrishnan, (more)

I spent around four months in a medium-sized Chinese city ~400 km from the coast not that long ago.

The positives I noted:

- (a) Blue-collar workers seemed really motivated to take pride in their work;

- (b) Women appeared to be going around freely at all hours without a fear of harassment.

- (c) China’s investment in its young people appeared obvious.

- (d) The people appeared genuinely pro-active and helpful, while keeping a polite distance.

This is remarkably different from what one sees in the US or Europe (or even India);

I didn’t consider the construction boom to be a great positive as away from the big cities it has given really shoddy results.

Personal freedoms (in terms of the intrusiveness of authorities) don’t appear that different from post-9/11 US or France.

Read the Western press for all the standard negatives. It’s obvious that a fairly miserable mix of jealousy and contempt appear to be its prime motivator.

Adam Supernant, sourcing manager in southern China49 upvotes by Wing Chau, Xu Xu, Paul Denlinger, (more)

Maybe my answers seem a bit trivial, but this is day to day stuff I see.

1) Crime, especially violent crime. Relative absence of slums and “bad areas,” even in big cities.

2) You can get a cell phone signal seemingly anywhere

3) Hours of operation for most services. Lots of Western cities are dead by 8pm, but you can still easily find food and supermarkets open at 11pm in China.

4) Frequency of bus service, but I think it’s largely due to the fact that there are so many more customers.

5) Availability of medicine for non-serious illnesses. Getting an antibiotic in the US is a huge ordeal. You have to schedule an appointment with your family doctor (who only works 9-5, Monday through Friday) or pay a king’s ransom by going to the emergency room. In China it’s extremely easy and cheap to see a doc and get a prescription. Maybe this is bad in the end because of overused antibiotics, but it sure is convenient.

6) Teaching kids math. At least it seems like it.
1). 犯罪率,特别是暴力犯罪率很低,甚至在大城市中,也鲜有贫民窟和“坏的地区”
6). 教小孩数学。至少我喜欢这点。



I understand my point might be controversial, but please point out good examples to defeat me. This is a polite request.
